M is for Motivation; Rediscovering Workplace Motivation

“When you are enthusiastic about what you do, you feel this positive energy. It’s very simple” – Paolo Coelho
I find myself often exploring the subject of motivation to explore an individual’s or team’s behaviours, drivers and performance but what was significant in a recent coaching conversation, was the wish on the part of the coachee to unwrap demotivation further. The wish to consider what has happened?! The wish to consider where their true, “motivated self” had gone. Words and phrases used were strong and forceful as they shared their frustrations of the loss of drive, enthusiasm and sense of purpose.
With time spent on demotivation, the coachee began then to consider an alternative scenario and how they might regain their focus and motivation.
So, what about you?
Is demotivation a topic for you at the moment?
What zaps your energy, your commitment, your interest at work?
There may be many reasons for your lack of motivation:
- A lack of trust in your own abilities and consequential micro-management.
- A lack of trust and key information not being shared with you.
- A lack of trust – yes, again! and the wider strategy not being shared with you.
- A lack of vision and resulting lack of clarity on the relevance of your role.
- Seemingly unfair practices and policies.
- Work overload and a feeling that no task can be done effectively and of the standard you know you are capable of.
- Lack of praise with no recognition for a job well done.
And what would motivation look like for you?
How has your “motivated self” looked in the past?
How has it felt to be fully motivated?
Feeling committed to a meaningful purpose
Here you feel that your role, in a wider context, has great value, that your contributions are of a wider significance and importance, and are worthy of your time and energy.
Feeling the presence of choice
Highly motivated in this area, you would be sharing that you have control for how you fulfil your tasks, that you have the freedom to select the best approach, that you are able to use your own judgement in managing yourself and your time.
Demonstrating competence
Motivated in this area, you would feel that your personal high standards of good, high-quality work are being met and you would feel proud of the outcomes. You would feel that everything you do is being done competently.
Seeing progress
You are able to see signs of your work being on track, being recognised, of fulfilling the greater purpose. You have a knowledge and confidence that the work you are involved with now is beginning to accomplish something.
Your curiosity has been piqued
Your attention has been stimulated by the work and you want to learn more.
An element of challenge
You are motivated to achieve the overall goal and are excited by the challenge of the work. The final outcome may not be certain, the journey may involve risk and this is a source of intrigue for you.
Your motivation may well be an interplay of desire or need, incentive, reward, expectations of self or others. Whatever the balance and whatever the drivers behind your own motivation, take time to reflect on the “motivated self” and how you can stay in that space:
- Focus on how the work / activity is making you the person you want to be.
- Remind yourself of the purpose and your purpose.
“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow know what you truly want to become.” (Steve Jobs)
- Focus on the journey, not just the outcome. What are you learning?
- Put yourself in differing environments, where your curiosity can be piqued.
- Reward yourself as you see yourself making progress.
- Take control over what you can control, but not about what you cannot control.
- Keep learning, gaining new skills and competencies. As Abraham Lincoln proposed:
“Whatever you are, be a good one.”
- Surround yourself with positivity – your own positive inner voice and positive people around you.
What’s zapping your energy? What can you do?
Really like your section on the “motivated self”: Focus on how the work / activity is making you the person you want to be.
Remind yourself of the purpose and your purpose.
Simple, clear questions that so help to attune us to what’s going on right now, right here.
Thank you Janet