
The Wonderful Unwrapping
It’s December 1st 2019. Happy Advent! I hope you enjoy the festivities and celebrations leading up to Christmas Day. For many of us, thoughts of the Christmas festival will have been with us for some time. For weeks now, we have seen Christmas cards and gifts in the shops, been tempted by family-size tins of

Would you like to step outside?
More and more I am struck by the benefits which the outdoor space can provide us. Here I consider how we might all enhance our lives by incorporating a little more outdoor working…

I have been working with individuals and teams for many years now and am surprised by the recurring patterns surrounding key challenges facing them. I thought I’d reflect these back to you and also invite you to reflect on your own situation.
Should you wish to explore the development of your individuals, leaders and teams, I’d be delighted to speak with you.
Janet Leonard
+44 (0) 7828 913331